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Top 10 Tips to Travel to Thailand

yes... a top 10 list.

Top 10 Thailand Travel Tips

As another year comes to a close many people will be heading to SE asia for conferences, work but mostly for vacation. Here are my tips to travel better.

#1 Visa Requirements

Know what countries need them and what countries don’t. It’s not always the same for Canadians and Americans. (I’m looking at you Vietnam). For some countries you don’t need anything, you can get a free visa on arrival, like South Korea, and Hong Kong. Some countries have a time restriction like a 72 hour visa, (China) while others you need to have cash on hand and a passport size picture like Cambodia which cost $25 with a picture and $27 if you don’t have a passport photo. Then there are countries like Russia where you will need to go or mail to a proper embassy to get the visa.

#2 HAVE copies ready.

Now I am a smart phone user, and an iPad user and am not a big fan of paper anything. But I carry a copy of my passport in every piece of luggage I travel with. You never know when you will need this information or proof of identification. Also, it good to have a copy of your hotel reservations. Sometimes the company you book through doesn’t communicate well with the actual hotel. When you have a copy of the booking it can make life easier. Also, if and when your phone dies it gives you a back-up plan.

#3 Don’t freak out!

If you lose your stuff, don’t go crazy. There is still hope. While theft is a common problem for travelers, if something is missing often it isn’t because someone stole it. It is usually because you forgot it and left it somewhere. Last year my group lost almost everything you never want to lose. (story in video) Think back to where you remember having it last and retrace your steps from there. Many times you will be able to retrieve your expensive item.

#4 Check baggage allowances

Especially if you use discount air lines. Air Asia, Spring Air, or many of discounted airlines plan ahead. They often aren't bad if you know how much you have and how much everything will weigh. But if you bring more than you planned, then they will charge you for it! And it will be more than you think. Plan ahead.

#5 Tell people your travel plans.

Let people know where you are going. For those on a teaching team, email out your ternary to your leaders so that if they get called by your mom wondering where you are, they will have an answer. Also make sure you let our state side offices know your schedule as well. It is also a good idea to register with your home government too. Canada USA

#6 Debit / Cash / Credit.

I suggest all three. I usually live by my debit card, but this didn’t work my last time traveling because it got canceled without me knowing bout it. Luckily I brought a little cash and I was able to get a cash advance while on leave. When using debit and credit cards check to see if it either has a VISA or Union Pay symbol. These two are accepted more than any of the others. Also have a credit card for emergencies. You just never know.

#7 Find time to relax

Don't just go go all the time. Find what relaxes you and do that. Read, journal, exercise, whatever it is that works for you to rejuvenate.

#8 Find your friends

See how your friends live their everyday life. Look up friends from the same organizations, college back home. You would be surprised how many live over seas. And I always say, choose people over places. The places are cool, but the people is what help bring a deeper experience to your travels.

#9 What time do your flights arrive?

So many times I have heard of people arrive too late so everything at the airport is closed. They have no money and end up getting ripped off by a taxi or spending too much to get where they want to.

#10 Find something new. Sure I still go to my favorite spots in Chiang Mai every time I visit, but CM along with other cities change so fast. Get away from the hotel ask some locals and friends where their favorite spots are. Explore, get to know the city. You will be surprised all it has to offer.