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Welcome to Sports Meeting 2017

My 10th and perhaps last time to participate in this Chinese University Phenomenon

Sports Day 2017

My first month in China involved a sports day. I came to my small Chinese city of Siping in September of 2004. Siping is small by Chinese standards, 400,000 people. Extremely large by this formally small town Oregonian's standards. After getting myself settled into my apartment I was told to go to the stadium. Well, it was a bit smaller than a stadium but it was packed! Freshman students were everywhere. The small stands were filled with color coordinated students. Each department wore matching track suits. Our department had a large traditional chinese drum and a senior student with a megaphone chanting cheers. "Jia You!" was yelled by all. "Jia You," The common Chinese cheer that translates directly as "add oil." Which many people have asked me how to translate, and my answer always seems to fall short. But I digress...

It was quite the introduction to life as a university teacher. But I learned this was not something only my school did. And the athletes could be anyone. After a while I found myself yelling, "add oil" along with everyone else. And a year later I learned that not only could I watch... but I could participate!

broken image

That's me in 2004 in front of the English Department when I first arrived in Siping, Jilin, China. (check out those bleached tips!)

Sports day, or Sports Meetings as they are often translated happen in almost every Chinese university every year. They are a mostly track and field event where each department competes against the other departments. And the best part...the teachers compete too. Well good news if you always wanted to live out your track dreams when you were 35 err...36 years old.

I mean how many times to do you get to compete in any sporting event in front of a full stadium?

Not too often.

I put together a video of my latest and perhaps last Sport Meeting. I hope you enjoy.